Watch the Milwaukee Virtual Showcase Tool Demo

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  • Q&A available below

Milwaukee Tool Demo Q&A

Many customers submitted questions during the live Zoom event, and we were not able to answer all during the scheduled time. Please see below  for a list of all questions received along with answers provided by Justin Diffley from Milwaukee Tool.


Please reach out to your representative at The Granite Group or contact Justin Diffley directly at: or (262) 957-4473 for more information about these and other great Milwaukee Tool products.


Q: What battery should be used with the wet vac?
A: Either an M18 5.0 or M18 9.0 battery is recommended for runtime.
Q: Can you burn up a tool with too big of a battery?
A: No, as long as voltage matches up a bigger battery will just increase runtime (ex. M18 5.0 battery vs. M18 12.0 battery).
Q: Does the battery life hold up on the Threader?
A: Yes, expect 15+ 2” threads on an M18 12.0 battery.
Q: How long does it take to charge an MX battery?
A: 45 minutes for a CP battery and 90 minutes for an XC battery.
Q: How long does the MX fuel battery generator last?
A: Please visit for product specific runtime questions.
Q: Does Milwaukee provide a warranty on its batteries?
A: Yes, please see below for information pertaining to battery warranties.
Q: Do you have a dead battery reclaim program for faithful users so I don’t have to deal with dead batteries?
A: No, but Home Depot accepts recycled batteries.

Q: Link for Pro Press?
Q: Will you be offering the 1” MIP Press Jaw for the M12 tool?
A: This is currently under consideration at Milwaukee Tool.
Q: Copper Press, is there a startup procedure or just put head on and start pressing?
A: No startup is needed. Just find the correct fitting and put the head on the press tool.
Q: Do you offer zoom HVAC fittings for Press?
A: We will be launching Streamline ACR press jaws only compatible with Mueller Streamline.
Q: Does the power length come in steel and aluminum?
A: No
Q: What is the warranty on of the MX Fuel?
A: 2 years
Q: Has anyone reported failure on the M12 tubing cutter when the tool gets wet?
A: Water can cause damage to the gearing on the tool so try and avoid if possible. Send in for service if necessary.
Q: Does Milwaukee sell paddle cutting blades separately?
A: If flat boring bits, yes, 48-27-0501.
Q: Link to see a transfer pump used?
Q: Will putting a spray head on the end of a hose to the transfer pump cause any damage?
A: There is potential that it could cause damage since there would be increased resistance put on the motor. It would also likely chew up the battery charge much faster.
Q: Is there a trick to get the pony threader to thread correctly?
A: Not sure of any tricks. Please contact your Milwaukee rep for individual use issues.

Q: Does your adjustable wrench open as far as a crescent wrench of the same length?
A: The 12” wrench has a maximum opening of 1.625 inches.
Q: What is the smallest sized adjustable wrench that will be carried at TGG?
A: 8,” 48-22-7408
Q: What is the break on the tape measure? The break distance hasn’t been too impressive so far.
A: The break varies by each tape. Please visit for specifications by tape.
Q: Warranty on tape measure?
A: Limited lifetime warranty.

Q: Is the lighting explosion-proof for the propane industry?
A: We currently have (1) intrinsically safe headlamp, part # 2004HZL.
Q: What is the warranty on the lights?
A: Personal lights have a limited lifetime warranty on the light and the LED. The redlithium USB battery has a 2-year warranty. All M12 / M18 lights have a standard 5-year tool warranty.
Q: How are the head lamps powered (M12)?
A: REDLITHIUM USB rechargeable battery or triple A batteries.
Q: M18 stand light has loose clip to hold it up not sure if it can be tightened?
A: Yes, tighten the small screws within the clip.
Q: The bands on the headlamps wear out or the clips break. Is it true you do not replace or sell those parts?
A: 42-70-2103 for a set of 4 clips.

Q: Link to get Milwaukee merchandise?
Q: Connecticut Milwaukee Rep contact?
A: Marcos Lozano, 262-330-3549,